Prayer Requests

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24

Welcome to our prayer page!

Do you have a concern for which you would like us to join you in prayer? You may share your request with us by filling out the submission form.

Our Prayer Ministry Team will pray over each and every request!

The “Make public” checkbox is automatically set as NO. This means that all prayer request will only be view by the prayer team. If you wish to make the request public be sure to check the “Make Public” checkbox. This will allow others to also pray for your request. 

We reserve the right to not publish some requests. Requests that are too graphic or identify other people through the information or circumstances may be edited before posting for the public or not posted at all.

It is a pleasure for the members of our team to pray for every request whether it is public or private!




Here are requests that have been submitted for you to also pray for:

Name Date Category Title Request
Louise Gayles May 17, 2024 Healing Prayer Pray for Camille. She is my 1yr old great grandchild. She has an auto immune disease and is waiting for a bone marrow transplant. While waiting, she is not doing well. She is having major breathing problems. Thank you.
Alan Demascus May 19, 2024 Healing Healing of schizophrenia Kindly please pray for healing of my schizophrenia illness, especially the hell of psychotic and distressing noise of cars constantly bearing down on me, suffered for years now.
Philip de Rivaz June 15, 2024 Finances Theology Study I am studying a theology PhD from a UK university, that I hope to complete by no later than 2026 and please pray for its successful completion and for my finances and accommodation during the studies.
Ebony Sheffield April 16, 2024 Finances Package delivery Please pray that my husband receives his package in the next six days and it is early. I pray that he receives everything in the box and nothing is damaged or broken. I also pray for his safe return. In Jesus name Amen. Thank you for praying for me and my family.
Rick Sargent June 15, 2024 Healing Eradication of cancer I have stage 4 small lung cancer and have been given 2 years to live. Pray that the Lord eradicates cancer from my body and heals me to grant years to my life and life to my years.
PHIL phil June 5, 2024 Finances Important prayer for jack and phil thanks much Hello how are you I would be very grateful for prayer to 1 financial success 2 ability to make friends connect with people 3 Find love 4 dad Jack new business contracts, healing heart, Mom Suzan healing skin cancer, brother Billy healing bipolar Thanks so much You can read my blog blessings
charles wright June 24, 2024 Comfort prayer Bless me in Uber, Grubhub and other business Tremendously and get high score and huge make money daily $$$ and high score ratings
charles wright June 30, 2024 Guidance prayer Protect me against evil both seen and unseen evil and danger in every category
charles wright June 30, 2024 Guidance prayer Protect me against evil both seen and unseen evil and danger in every category
charles wright July 1, 2024 Guidance prayer Bless me in Uber, Grubhub and other business Tremendously and get high score and huge make money daily $$$ and high score ratings
charles wright July 2, 2024 Guidance prayer please let one of my non essential crypto take off so i can fix my teeth and health issues
charles wright July 4, 2024 Guidance prayer Protect me against evil both seen and unseen evil and danger in every category
charles wright July 14, 2024 Guidance prayer Bless me in Uber, Grubhub and other business Tremendously and get high score and huge make money daily $$$ and high score ratings
charles wright July 17, 2024 Guidance prayer Bless me in Uber, Grubhub and other business Tremendously and get high score and huge make money daily $$$ and high score ratings
charles wright July 18, 2024 Guidance prayer Protect me against evil both seen and unseen evil and danger in every category
charles wright July 21, 2024 Guidance prayer Bless me in Uber, Grubhub and other business Tremendously and get high score and huge make money daily $$$ and high score ratings



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